
Happy Forever
Misfortune!!  Just in one night!
  Before sleeping, Xiaowang is normal, but after got up, his eyes to turgid too open, and his legs began to appear swelling. He is very afraid, so he went to hospital to have a test. The test report showed that his protein in urine is ++++, and plasma-albumin is 12g/L. he was diagnosed with nephritic syndrome. The doctor told him that he need hospitalization immediately. 
  After about half a month treatment, his edema disappeared, urine protein became negative. Although

Xiaowang think using hormone is not good for his health. His disease has cured, he is very happy. What a pity! After two month, he began having edema. The doctor told him that last time, we control the urine protein, but his plasma-albumin didn’t increase. His immunity is very poor, which is the reason why his disease relapse easily. Therefore, this time he took hormone and blood transfusion. After half a month, edema disappeared, urine protein turned to negative, and plasma-albumin also increased.
  After three month, he went to hospital to review, he was shocked. This disease relapsed again!! He confused how to do? But he has no choice, but to accept treatment. This time, on the recommendation of a friend, he went to Shijiazhuang kidney disease Hospital.
  Our doctor told him the reason caused his disease. Because there are too much toxin in his blood and kidneys, so, if we want to cure his disease, we need cleanse the toxin in his body. We use TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) which has no side effect. We not only use oral medicine soup, but also have external treatment of TCM, foot bath, full bath, etc.
  After about half a month treatment of TCM, urine protein became negative, edema disappeared, plasma-albumin increased.
  Same after three months, he went to his local hospital to review, when he saw the test report, he can’t help himself crying. The test report showed negative……
  More details about kidney diseases or kidney diet, email to: hao.tianqi@yahoo.com, or add my whatsapp:+8615631152571.

